009647501979791 / 009647504318177


Steps to success for an ideal job

  • We are Noor Al-Baraka Factory. We purchase legumes in the form of raw materials, then we package them into different sizes and weights, and we perform some operations on some of them until they become mature. .
  • We have high quality in producing legumes and foodstuffs, which has led to the spread of our goods in all markets.
  • Formulation is a central task in laboratories and production lines in the food industry. The Food Composition Guide reviews a number of innovative weighing solutions to protect against errors as much as possible. Supported by custom software, METTLER TOLEDO analytical and precision balances are essential in laboratories and production, where optimizing speed and material flow are important factors.


We, as Nour Al-Baraka Factory, are ready to serve the packaging of all types of foodstuffs with the best quality and in the fastest time.

Our motto is high quality and excellent cleanliness in a limited time.

Material processing

Choosing good foodstuffs, as they are selected according to specific criteria and conditions. Place food items in storage, making sure they are well ventilated, in order to prevent their temperature from rising. Initial sorting: Food materials are sorted well, in order to get rid of immature and damaged fruits.

Second sorting

Preparation and processing: In this stage, some food items are mashed, such as: squash or grapes, or the outer membrane is removed from others, such as: peas, coconut, and others.

Peeling food

Steam peeling: In this method, food items are placed in steam, left for a period of time, then removed from the heat and sprinkled with cold water.

Hot water peeling: In this method, food items are placed in hot water, left for a period not exceeding one minute, then removed from the heat and placed in cold water.

Flame peeling: Food materials are placed over the flame of a fire and left until their outer skin becomes soft. This method is used in particular for peeling onions.

To peel with oil: Food items are placed in hot oil and left until their outer skin becomes soft. This method is used in particular for peeling hot peppers or bell peppers.

Mechanical peeling: Food materials are peeled using a sharp knife.

Alkaline peeling: Food items are placed in hot water, left for a period of time, then removed from the heat, and placed in a sodium hydroxide solution, preferably 2% concentrated for fruits and 10% for vegetables.


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  • مساحة المشروع : 3000 متر مربع
  • عدد الوضائف : 18 وضيفة
  • الكائن : 5 مكينة متنوعة حسب الكتلوكات المرفقة
  • طاقة انتاجية : 22500  طن في السنة

Our Portfolio

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هدف المشروع

هدف المشروع الي استثمار رأس مال الوطني و المساهمة في تطوير القاعدة الصناعية في محافظة دهوك عن طريق تعبئة المواد الغذائية للسوق المحلية و الاسواق العراقية كما يوفر المشروع فرص عمل لعدد لا بأس به من الايدي العاملة ( اي مرحلة التنفيذ و التشغيل )

فوائد الاظافية المترتبة على المشروع

نتيجة للتحسن المستمر في المستوى المعيشي للمواطنين و الانتعاش الاقتصادي في منطقة اقليم كردستان و الوضع الامني الممتاز فأن المحافضة و السوق العراقية بصورة عامة بحاجة الى مثل هذا المشروع و ذلك لكونة مشروعآ صناعيآ مهما ينتج سلع استهلاكية واسعة الاستخدام

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